Welcome to our Community of Faith!
St. Paul’s is now led by Minister, Rev. Christina Crawford, for 10:30 a.m.
You can learn more about our styles of worship here and listen. There is a selection of past sermons that can be viewed here.
You are welcome to come worship with us, help in our community outreach or choose St. Paul’s for wedding, baptism, or funeral services.
What happens at St. Paul’s during the week? St. Paul’s weekly events and activities are listed here.
Learn what St. Paul’s has to offer
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What’s Happening
Events and activities at St. Paul’s
St. Paul’s United Church is a diverse Christian faith community, nurturing itself through God’s word and a variety of worship experiences. In covenant with each other, we endeavour to be an example of Christ’s presence in our everyday lives and to do God’s work in the community.
Community has been a Christian core value since Jesus first gathered people about him to hear the message. God’s love, shown to us in Jesus, changes us in community as we serve and are served, give and receive, teach and are taught, forgive and are forgiven, challenge and are challenged. Within this community and beyond we endeavour to extend God’s love (pastoral care) to everyone – living, learning, and loving together.
As part of the United Church of Canada we endeavour to make St. Paul’s a safe, accepting place for everyone. We come from a variety of life experiences and different places on our life journey. We encourage people to explore their questions, experience God’s presence, and progress in their spiritual journey at their own pace. As there are many ways of expressing and growing in one’s faith, we want to encourage those different ways, believing that with God’s help we can learn from one another and that our spiritual lives can be enhanced by each other. In our diversity there is, at the same time, unity in our focus on worshipping and serving God.
Spiritual Growth
St. Paul’s United Church is a community of faith, described in scripture as “the body of Christ”. As such, through worship, prayer, study, service and action we experience transformed lives by the renewing power of God’s Spirit. This enriches our lives and leads us to live out our Christian faith in a variety of ways, and in a variety of settings.